
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Jason came by and wanted me "experience" the snow.

So I got on my snowwear and headed out the door.  It is still treacherous outside with patches of ice alternating with deep drift.  We made our way across the yard to our lane that had been plowed.  They worked all morning long on the lane, around the buildings, silo, and grain bins as well as paths to the silage feeders and hay racks.  Jason said that all the roads are drifted shut.  He said that a truck with a blade would not be able to clear our road.................we will have to wait for the roadgrader.  When they worked to clear our lane, they couldn't  make one swipe and have it clear.  They had to go down it numerous times to get it as clear as they did.  Jason bladed across our 270Acre field to State Road DD.  He is going down DD, E, and M.  He says that local farmers have bladed a one lane road to make it passable with a 4WD pickup. 

This is some drifts in my yard around my propane tank.

Jason stands in front of a pile of snow they took off in front of the machine shed.  He's over 6 feet so that is a huge mound of snow.

This is our lane that they plowed.

This is our county road.

and this is Ghost! Doesn't he look like a polar bear?

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