
Friday, August 27, 2010

IQA Auction

I worked all day yesterday on the quilt I am making for the IQA Auction to be held at the Houston Quilt Show.  I'm using more leftovers from my Joy quilt.  When I made Joy, I didn't use all the pieces  I  cut out and I felt guilty about throwing them away so I put them in a bag and kept them.  Since then, I have made a baby quilt for Garrett, Shea made a quilt top for herself, and I made a quilt for the quilt action last year from the leftovers from that quilt.  Joy just keeps going and going.  I spent the day putting decorative stitches around the elements.  I just have a bit more to do today and then I can sandwich it and begin machine quilting.  The men finished filling the silo and they are getting ready for harvest.  The corn is drying rapidly.  It will be nice to put dry grain in the bins this year.  Jason is really good at handling the wet grain so that it will dry in the bins, but it would be a lot less work and worry just to put it in dry.  Mamie is getting ready to start school.  Shea and Laine were here yesterday afternoon and were in and out all afternoon.